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Michaela Etzlinger-Raab


The journey with me to...?

A short excerpt of my life story:

Thunderstorms, heavy rain, a burning farmhouse and I was born. I, as a roaring lion in the zodiac, brought fire and a breath of fresh air to people until I started a job in the office at the age of 15. In the office? Ugh, that was the last thing I wanted to do, but due to some factors, that's how my professional life started. As time went by, I was roaring for more and I took my evening school-leaving exams while working. That was the best learning up to then! Why? Because I wanted to pass the A-levels! I also discovered my love of Spanish and a gateway to the world. I left Steyr and my stays abroad were usually connected with a job or later with my studies. I immersed myself in the cultures and the language, I gained new perspectives and integrated myself, which was always a concern for me.

Due to a physical limitation, I came to the Grinberg Method through a friend. I learned how to create and let go of the sharp pain in my sternum. Through several sessions, various workshops and sMove! according to the Grinberg Method, I noticed that I can always do something to feel better. This self-knowledge gave me a secure feeling, strength and self-confidence. I learned that I can always rely on myself. Cool! I direct my attention where I need it in my body, I breathe, I release my tension in my body, I accept my feelings, my energy is released and I can regenerate and feel good. Much like the purring lion does without thinking about it. 

My message to you: You can always do something! No matter if you have a physical, mental or emotional pain or if you give birth to a child. If you relax like the lion and come to rest, your self-healing can start. The beauty of this is that your children, in the womb or born, as well as those around you can also benefit from your relaxation, energy, zest for life, confidence, etc. and you get something back.

How do I do it? With my lightness and shabanack.

My main focus: Working with pregnant women, mothers and fathers (I have 2 children myself). 
                                  Everyone who wants to learn something for themselves and find their own way.

What is close to your heart, hurts you, do you wish for?

I am looking forward to the journey together! :)


I offer sessions in German, English and Spanish, courses for pregnant women and parents in German. Here is my contact.

T: +43 699 112 118 79

E: me@be-more.today