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Pregnancy and birth preparation

Your preparation for giving birth and enjoying the pregnancy can take place in form of

  • Individual sessions in a center of be more or online
  • Online course Pregnancy - an Adventure (up to now only in German) 

Neta (33), January 2020
I wanted to share with you the amazing experience of giving birth, the natural way, after having 2 cesareans. I was struggeling for a long time to have this baby. My body needed to heal from everything i went through with my 2 wonderful cesarean children. With a lot of will, intention, body work and support from many of you, i got pregnant. I was thrilled and knew that my body can't and won' take another surgery.
The health system, my family and many others claimed that it is dangerous to have the baby without a cesarian, but i felt and knew what i need to do. I had the baby in my friend's home, in a private, silent, healthy surrounding, with a doctor and a midwife and my friend, my kids and my partner next to me. I had 1 hour of contructions every 5 min and then half an hour of more condensed ones, and puff, like magic, my beautiful baby was in my arms. My body shook like hell, I was full of fear and pain and used everything my body knows and trusts. After the baby came out, the placenta didn't come out, so I went to the hospital and they took it out. I was relaxed, breathing, shaking, and trusting my body the whole time. I feel I had this baby with a lot of earth qualities of trust and unbelievable power, water of fear and excitement, the fire of will, intention and love and the air quality of clarity, without mine (and others) inner world in the way. I felt very much a body, *my body* and that is an amazing experience for me. Thank you all for being part of this journey. Thank you for all the pain and the fear and other friends that were with me all the time. Big hug from me and Adi! to all of you❤

Bettina (33), December 2019
I really enjoyed the preperation classes with Michaela. I always felt very comfortable and in good hands during the units. I can take with me for my pregnancy that I consciously take time for myself and my baby, that I can significantly increase my well-being through simple breathing exercises and thus can easily relax in the often stressful everyday life!
I particularly liked that my current complaints and problems were dealt with and that they were repeatedly addressed and processed!
I say THANK YOU Michaela for the sensitive preparation!

Johanna (33), July 2019
Since it was my first birth, I had heard and read testimonials, but still I had no concrete idea. Fears kept coming up, such as "Will I be able to give birth?", "Do I have enough energy?", "Will it be very painful?" or "If there is a medical emergency, will my child be okay?" Before that, I was at Michaela's centre weekly and prepared myself to breathe and, most importantly, to relax. When relaxing, it was very important to me that I can switch off, my "noice in my head" stops spinning at top speed and at the same time goes into me. Somehow, I often doubted myself whether I would be able to breathe while I had to concentrate on the pain in parallel. And suddenly my daughter wanted to come a little earlier and I felt completely unprepared, even though I had waited so long for this moment. I thought that I still had a few days to do it and that I could figure out a plan for the birth. During the day - logically - I initially had slight contractions and I began to concentrate on breathing. After I saw that not breathing, not relaxing and clenching tense teeth did not make labor any easier, I just had to make it and felt exactly the point where I had to breath deeply.
Gradually the contractions got worse and I realized that I had to breathe more and find a place to relax in my head. I breathed deeply, I felt the relaxation and it helped with the contractions.
Ultimately, in the hospital and in the delivery room, the only thoughts turned to relaxing - it sounds strange, but it's true. The fears disappeared because I was looked after very well and because of the pain I didn't waste a lot of thoughts on it. Emotionally it was more the tension, how long it will take and when I can finally hold our child in my arms. Not much later our girl was here. I thought I was very bad at breathing, but the midwives and the doctor said after the birth that they were impressed that I could breathe so deeply into my abdomen. Apparently this was also the reason that the birth was so quick and relatively easy.
Now the three of us are happy and even if it sounds unrealistic - but the pain and fears are gone immediately as soon as you hold this bundle in your arms.

Martina (31), November 2018
The Grinberg method treatments in preparation for the birth of my second child helped me a lot. With the help of breathing I learned to let the lumbar vertebrae and abdomen loose and to keep them relaxed. Compared to the first birth, I had a much better body feeling. I felt less cramped and the more conscious breathing between contractions allowed me to relax much better.